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In this tutorial we will explore the S gate and how to implement on IBM quantum devices in Qiskit.
The S gate (otherwise known as the √Z gate) is a gate that performs a rotation of π/2 around the Z axis. It is represented by the following matrix:
Much like the Z gate if we initialise the qubit to |0〉and apply an S gate the qubits state will remain |0〉:
However if we first initialise the qubits state to |1〉:
Which has transformed the state from |1〉to i|1〉
It is important to note that since the S gate performs a rotation of π/2 if we apply two S gates we will get the equivalent of a Z gate:
Applying the first S gate:
Then the second S gate:
Which gives us −|1〉. This is correct as if we applied a Z gate to a qubit that is initialized to |1〉we would also get −|1〉
Since two S gates are equivalent to a Z gate we can flip a qubit from |0〉to |1〉by putting the qubit in to superposition, applying two S gates and then applying a closing Hadamard gate. To see how this works let’s go through step by step.
First initialise the qubit and apply a Hadamard gate:
Which has put the qubit in to superposition. Now if we apply the first S gate:
Now if we apply the second S gate:
and finally if we apply the closing Hadamard gate:
Which gives us |1〉as the final state! Note the full code below if for this example.
The S gate can be implemented very easily in Qiskit using the following line of code:
Where q[0] is the qubit we are applying the S gate to.
How to run the program
Copy and paste the code below in to a python file
Enter your API token in the IBMQ.enable_account('Insert API token here') part
Save and run
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute,IBMQ from import job_monitor IBMQ.enable_account('ENTER THE API KEY HERE') provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q') backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_qasm_simulator') q = QuantumRegister(1,'q') c = ClassicalRegister(1,'c') circuit = QuantumCircuit(q,c) circuit.h(q[0]) #Applying a Hadamard gate circuit.s(q[0]) #Applying an S gate circuit.s(q[0]) circuit.h(q[0]) #Applying another Hadamard gate to bring the qubit out of superposition circuit.measure(q,c) #Measuring the qubit print(circuit) job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=8192) job_monitor(job) counts = job.result().get_counts() print(counts)
Output showing the circuit and that the qubit has flipped from 0 to 1